Sunday, October 7, 2007

She's Got Legs!


  1. Too nice for a leg fetish guy like me... Was it on ebay? How much was it? oh i want it :(

  2. Hi,

    Yes, it was on eBay. I forgot to list how much it went for but I think it was roughly $ 25 - 30.00 USD.


  3. 25-30 is honest but it would have been too much for me, poor desperate vicious am i...
    Btw this pics reminds me the work of this candid photographer Miroslav Tichy, maybe you know him?

  4. Ah, yes! Thanks for reminding me of him. I first saw his work in the great book on outsider photography, "Create and Be Recognized". I've been looking for the monograph on him. I know there is one by Andreas Bee. Very interesting work.

  5. I think the Andreas Bee is out of print.. Ticky is a fascinating guy, how would go to prison if he did the same thing now but...
