Sunday, October 7, 2007

Abstraction Kills White Boy Dressed As Indian

I can't begin to wonder why the boy in the center of the original photo on top was swiped out of the second photo in the photo lab. The bold white curved form works even better with the pattern of stripes on the teepee behind the boys!


  1. Hi, This is TR.
    I love this site! I just found it.
    One guess, that I have, is that the boy in the middle of the photo looks like he's holding a U.S. flag.
    I guess that, maybe, of the of the photo might have removed the boy in the middle, so that the photo would not imply that most white U.S. people like to dress up as American-Indians + therefore make fun of American-Indians, or something.
    I love the folk art on your site!

  2. Hi TR,

    Thanks for the kind words and keep following!
