Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thinking of Marie...

This eBay seller (I'm not sure whether he does the photos himself or just finds them?) is selling a photo that seems to be inspired by Eugene Von Bruenchenhein's wonderful photographs of his wife Marie. I sort of like it. Well, what's not to like in a pretty nude girl covered in Christmas ornaments, right?

Available here.

Happy Holidays everyone!


  1. Merry Christmas, Joey. Your blog is a gift year-round.

  2. Couldn't agree more Robert! AND I won a couple of the ebay treasures along the way. And Joey, how do we draw your attention to anonymous objets de virtu???

  3. Wow, nice bulbs! Er...

    I like the red coloration of the newer photograph. It feels almost crystalline, somehow.

    I saw the Eugene von Breunchenheim exhibit at the American Folk Art Museum a while back. The photos of his wife were great. But his "castle" paintings and sculptures were also really neat.
