Friday, September 16, 2011


A variety of circa 1920's Ku Klux Klan artifacts. Available at Conestoga Auctions.


  1. Nique sa mère
    Des antiquités bonnes à brûler!
    Nous voulons connaitre les identités des acheteurs des ces immondités

  2. ...*shudders* Sickening. :o\

    ...Blessings :o)

  3. Jesus Christ, are we still in high school discovering Crass or something? People will never understand that there are artifacts of our history, which some may not be proud of, that signify a moment in time, and once in a while, it just looks fucking cool... Great post.

  4. The 3rd image of a collection of 3 figures are Catholic religious statues and not in any way related to the klan. Somebody should get their wacky beliefs in order.

  5. sorry Spain, not Italy

  6. sure it's history but it's sale and collection are for profit and dubious fetishism. contextualized in an installation in a museum as a donation it is an historical artifact. whereas auctioned for profit and personal acquisition — well… a pox on you. hell, museum donations are generous tax deductions. f*** all who profit from oppression, blood, and disregard for tenets of basic human rights. appreciation of folk art and americana is a positive cultural gesture. but to profit of these vestements is not in the spirit of our founders—conversely, it is the embodiment of the ignorant cliched stereotypes our culture is perceived by others. in germany it is verbotten to flav the swazi. america should be more sensitive to the populations who have had less than a century of human rights bestowed and defended by law.
