Friday, February 25, 2011

Fashion Crime Scrapbook

Ok, so it's not exactly like it sounds in the title, although I'd love to see that sort of scrapbook too...a 1930's version of "What Not to Wear".

This one is a little different: A circa 1931 Carlton Fashions catalog filled with newspaper clippings of child abduction, murder and violent crime.

Just plain weird.

Available here.


  1. Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my. Did the neighbors say "They were such nice people. Always quick with a smile."

    This is far more interesting than the old scrapbook I have in a fashion magazine that is full of clippings of movie stars.

  2. I like how the seller describes it as a serial killer scrapbook. That's pushing it a bit, but you still have to wonder what this person was thinking....

  3. probably what inspired brian warner on starting his little musical group..
