Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Uh, it's one thing to find a 68 yr. old fruitcake...

...but to actually eat a piece of it!?! Oh Lord.

Here's the seller's description:

Since I have been Unemployed for the past three years I have been cleaning out storage units. I came across this weird and unusual find.

I found a unit in which the owner saved everything. I removed over three thousand pounds of magazines, newspapers, letters and personal papers. this person kept track of all his records and noted everything. In a storage trunk amungst his Military uniform was this wrapped cake and papers indicating he was in the military from 1942 -1942. The cake I can only assume was mailed to him while he was in the Pacific Theater. I have not disected the cake but believe it to be FRUIT CAKE. I did not want to destroy the remaining wrapper. I did actually try a bite. IT tasted like crap, but edible after all these yeaars.LOL.

Available here.


  1. Only 10 hours left on the auction. Someone needs to bid on this thing already!!

  2. Seriously, just to take out at parties at least...
