Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Circa 1890's Objects Made from Macerated U.S. Paper Money

Available at Hake's.

Auction house description:
First three have paper labels attached with text stating that each item was "Made of United States bank notes redeemed and macerated at the US Treasury, Washington, DC." Each also has an estimated value of the currency before it was macerated and turned into these souvenir objects. First is 4" tall bust of George Washington. Currency value "Estimated at ten thousand dollars." Second is 2" tall top hat with estimated five thousand dollar value. The last two are 3.75" dia. First is raised bust of Washington with souvenir text along border. Estimated at three thousand dollars. Last is raised Capitol dome with surrounding flag motif on front. Back has leaf design with text molded in reading "Made of money destroyed by U.S. Treasury. Estimated three thousand dollars. Nat'l Currency Souvenir Co./1238 N.J. Ave. N.W.-Washington D.C."

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