Monday, November 29, 2010

Picasso's Electrician

Staggering Picasso trove turns up in France-
By Jamey Keaten, Associated Press

PARIS- A retired French electrician and his wife have come forward with 271 undocumented, never before seen works by Pablo Picasso. The electrician, who once worked for Picasso, and his wife for years squirreled away the staggering trove — which is believed to be authentic — inside a trunk in the garage of their home on the French Riviera.

Read the full AP story here.


  1. And whether they were stolen or really a gift, what's great is that these works survived all these years. It's just crazy what continues to turn up...

  2. Damn! I saw the headline, but hadn't seen any pics. WOW.

  3. I know! I thought it would mostly be small sketches, but to have 9 collages in there as well is incredible.
