Monday, November 29, 2010

Picasso's Electrician

Staggering Picasso trove turns up in France-
By Jamey Keaten, Associated Press

PARIS- A retired French electrician and his wife have come forward with 271 undocumented, never before seen works by Pablo Picasso. The electrician, who once worked for Picasso, and his wife for years squirreled away the staggering trove — which is believed to be authentic — inside a trunk in the garage of their home on the French Riviera.

Read the full AP story here.

My Biennial #15

Richard Lindner
Double Portrait
Oil on canvas
40 x 60"
Collection of Ellen and Max Palevsky

Sunday, November 28, 2010

1920's Photo Booth Photo of a Circus Performer

Found in Missouri from a large personal photo collection of a traveling circus from the 1920's to the 1950's.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Candid Edison

Circa 1920's candid snapshot of Thomas Edison. Measures 2 1/4 x 3".

Monday, November 22, 2010

John F. Kennedy "Airport Reception" Badge for November 22, 1963

About 3,000 of these were issued allowing holders to gather on the tarmac to greet the President on November 22, 1963.

Sold at Hake's for $253.00 (including premium).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Early 20th Century Mine Field Flag

Used to indicate the location of land mines.

Sold at Kirk Albert.

Your Host...Jack Ruby

Original Jack Ruby business card from The Carousel Club in Dallas, Texas.

Sold for $398.48 (including premium) at Hake's.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Out of Work? Do what Ernest Huber did...

A Ritzy Bird House

Philadelphia- A hobby was responsible for this "feather" hotel. Ernest Huber, butcher, 2872 Orthodox Street, Frankford, PA, out of work for nearly 18 months fashioned the above bird house from 7,000 pieces of wood. He is shown putting on the finishing touches.

Credit- Acme 11/12/30

Vintage press photo, available here.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Brown's "5 Star" Hot Shot Outing Shoes

Now THAT'S a product name. These shoes are sweet...someone please get them before I'm tempted to bid!

Available here.


The American flag interpreted in an African-American quilt.

Available here.