Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Circa 1920's French Animated Dioramas

Available at Maison Bananas.


  1. Joey,
    Thank you for posting the link to my blog. It is just a fun little project I do when I get to it. I started collecting images on my computer desktop while scourging the internet for circus photos that I was actually buying. I also collect art.I have a few strange painting with unknown makers if you are interested in posting them on Anonymous Works.-Daniel

    P.s. This is a store my wife, best friend, and myself opened in our neighborhood. Http://
    I am not trying to plug myself on your site but I do enjoy it very much and see no other option as far as mailing you.

  2. Hi Daniel,

    You blog for the same reason I do, there's just too much good stuff that surfaces for a brief moment of time, then goes back into private collections not to be seen for a long while, which is a shame.

    As far as your blog, the only thing wrong with it is that there isn't more of it! Those are some incredible shots. But I totally know how it is with posting everyday or even close to every day.

    If you ever have something to share, you can send to me at joey (at) Thanks for checking in and keep following!

    BTW: Your store is awesome and makes me wish I lived in Brooklyn!
