Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Available here. Update: Sold for $411.00


  1. I really, really, really want to know the story behind this photo... Sitting for a photograph was quite expensive "back in the day"... I can't imagine why someone would go to the expense and trouble just to have a shot with faces covered... Strange. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I agree! I think it's interesting (and something that the seller alludes to in the description) that they both have their hands on their stomachs. I don't think it would have anything to do with being pregnant, but the gesture seems to be purposefully done.

    Who knows?

  3. I didn't pay attention to their hands before... maybe a miscarriage? Sort of a weird death portrait? Yea... who knows?

  4. OK... I couldn't stop thinking about this... so I HAD to post it on my blog too ( with a link back to you of course. I love your blog! Thanks for sharing these cool works with us!

  5. Thanks for checking it out! And keep following!
