Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Life (Mask) and Peculiar Sculptures of Linwood B. Law

Little is known about the artist Linwood B. Law.

What IS known is that he lived and worked in Buffalo, New York and his extant works were created in the 1930's and 1940's. Based on an old label on the back of one of his works ("Pussogomy #3"; what a title!), his work was even featured in an exhibition of regional art at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery.

A small group of his works was sold years ago at Brimfield by a dealer who had originally acquired them from a family member. In addition to a spectacular Janus figural sculpture (now available at American Primitive), he also left a curious life mask, created while he was alive in 1935, and painstakingly painted in realistic flesh tones. Now, in 2010 and thanks to the Internet, a certain immortality achieved!

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