Monday, December 7, 2009

Alda Carlson's One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Five Four Leaf Clovers Collected From 1910 to the 1920's

Alda Carlson started collecting four leaf clovers starting in 1910. She kept them all and pressed them in decorative patterns in albums. She must have had a lot of luck. I've never even found one!

Available here.

Update: Sold for $532.52 on eBay


  1. Wow, amazing. I love how some of the other photos seem to show other possible four-leaf clovers that Alda Carlson never got around to pressing.

  2. Yeah, the sheets of simple addition are great too!

  3. This sure makes a lot of contemporary art pale in comparison. I've never found one either.

  4. AH! Great! Every time I find one, I place it in a book to dry but I never remember which books have them, so one day when I happen to open up just the right ones little clovers will come floating out. Love those things.

  5. I once found an old 19th century book of poems by Longfellow in a used bookstore. Based on the inscription, it belonged to a young girl and inside were: a pressed flower, an old very faded photograph with the image barely discernible and a newspaper clipping with a visual puzzle that was formed with President Lincoln's face. I love finding time capsules...

  6. Wonderful blog! My newest place to plug - I put a post on my blog this a.m. Love it!
