Monday, December 7, 2009

1921 Folk Art Carvings of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln

Recently sold on eBay for $191.49 (Washington) and $131.49 (Lincoln).


  1. Maybe it's me, but Washington looks a lot like Clint Eastwood.

  2. You totally pegged it. Something about that forehead and the squinty eyes...

  3. Joey. I ended up with these two carvings. They are much better in person. I am a big fan of Lincoln's.
    I am glad they are going to be kept together. It always
    bugs me when an artists work is split up. Mike

  4. Ah, congrats Mike! They are pretty great. I was going to go after them, but I'm the same way about wanting to keep works together if possible so I figured it would cost a bit to do that. Turns out you got them for a pretty good price!

    I LOVE the gold paint too :)
