Monday, August 24, 2009

The Ghost Town of Bodie, CA


  1. Back in the 1960s you could still go inside the buildings and walk around. And the church had a lovely alter. Then when I went back in the 70s everything was locked down. The alter was gone. Many of the items that had been left in the houses sitting on shelves and tables were gone. It was pretty sad. It's still an incredibly interesting place and the best ghost town around, but if you go take food and water because there's nothing out there. Thanks for jogging my memory.

  2. I really like the empty beauty of the place. The grave markers are all impressive, especially that of James Perry.

  3. Incredibly, Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger is threatening to close down this and over 200 other state parks due to the huge budget deficit California is facing. Ironically, although you can't tell it from the pictures, there were a ton of people on the day we went. Hopefully it will remain open.

  4. This would be a tragedy to lose. It's so isolated which has probably helped its survival. But this state is in sorry sorry shape. If they don't keep someone on staff to oversee this place it'll fall apart. Really a shame. What was the temp when you were there?

  5. God, that would be terrible if it were closed down. I hope it doesn't happen! I've always wanted to go there.

  6. Yeah, we asked the guy that worked at the museum and he said the day before (a Wed.), they had 3,000 people come through (at $5 per person). You would think, even with the bulk of tourists coming through in summer, that they would be able to keep it going. Ah, the (formerly) Golden State!
