Monday, July 20, 2009

Vintage 1960's Civil Rights Buttons


  1. Your post is very interesting. I remember the 1960s as a time of turbulence, but it also was a time for transformation for many. At the time, I was student at San Jose State University. As a young white civil rights activist, I worked with others to end segregation in off-campus housing in 1966.

    I fondly remember the Mexico City Olympic boycott by San Jose State athletes Tommie Smith, Juan Carlos and Lee Evans in 1968. This motivated me to get involved in the anti-war movement. And we made history by electing the first black college student body campus president in California.

    I would not trade my life experiences as a student in the 1960s for anything. I am glad that I lived during a time that culminated in ever-lasting change as we find in the White House today.

  2. Thanks for your comment Timothy. I hope that today's young people will study history and not take for granted any of the freedoms that they have, because people like you fought hard to make sure that we have them.

  3. Thanks for your comment Timothy. I hope that today's young people will study history and not take for granted any of the freedoms that they have, because people like you fought hard to make sure that we have them.

  4. Joey,

    Thank you for your comment. The history was made by a generation of activists and not me alone as outlined in my book, "Wawona Brotherhood: San Jose State Revolt." Little did we know that history would take the turn as it did. This resulted in an African-American president in our life time.

    Timothy Fitzgerald, Author and Historian
