Friday, April 3, 2009

Studio Visit #2

Here's a shot of one of my new paintings. Sort of a companion piece to the earlier painting I posted here.

The only thing is the color on this photo isn't quite right and so there's a sort of pinkish hue to the raw canvas that isn't there in real life. The real color is much closer to the earlier painting I posted. But I think you can get a sense of it.....


  1. Thanks Kelse!

    These sort of take a while, because they're all ballpoint pen on canvas. I'll be posting some other paintings soon and hope you can check them out.

  2. I like it a lot too. Hope we'll see more of your works soon!

  3. ballpoint pen!
    goodness, that's some serious dedication.
    be checking back for more


  4. Thanks losfeld!

    I'll plan on posting shots of a few more paintings in the next week or so!

  5. ...looks so good! I hope you don't mind; I've linked your blog...Fabulous new week to you!

  6. Thanks so much Lenorenevermore!

    BTW: Your blog is awesome!

  7. what is also remarkable is that the painting kind of resembles those carnival heads posted above it...

  8. Absolutely.

    It took me a while to recognize where some of the imagery was coming from. Ultimately, I came to understand that my interest in certain folk art forms was reflected in these primal forms I would make in some of my paintings.

    The simplicity (and boundless variation) of a head or the human figure...
