Wednesday, April 8, 2009

19th century painting of the Entombment of Christ

Interesting naive painting of the Entombment of Christ. Looks to be possibly an amateur copy of an existing lithograph or painting? Has a real surreal feel to it that I love.

Currently on eBay here and the seller describes this as being found in an old country house in Arezzo, Italy.


  1. perfect artwork since Easter is just around the corner... ~Amen!

  2. Absolutely...I guess I should have left it for a Sunday post!

  3. hola! yo hago unas de ese tipo.

  4. This is in the style of 15th century Flemish painting, and by no means an American Primitive! There are several give-away's/indications (such as dress, headdress and the way the eyes are shaped: please look up a painter named Hugo Van der Goes (1440 - 1482) and his contemporaries.
