Thursday, November 15, 2007

19th Century African American Folk Art Limberjack

Nice 19th century folk art carved limberjack I recently got on eBay. Quality ones like this are getting so damn hard to find these days. I'd say that only 2-3 really nice ones have shown up on eBay all year. Well, needless to say, I paid a lot (for me) for this, but it was a hell of a lot cheaper than what something like this would bring at auction these days.


  1. Wonderful blog, thanks for sharing all these amazing pictures and items with the world.
    I came about your blog while researching for ebay item 370008878678. The carving is described as an art deco hat stand. She might have been a hat stand, but definitely not art deco. She looks like folk art to me. I will not be bidding because shipping to Spain is too expensive though...
    Thanks again!

  2. Hi Cristina,

    Thanks for the nice comments! I have to apologizr for only posting a few items this month, but the holidays came at me pretty fast and there was just a ton of stuff to do. I plan on making it up though. Been finding a lot of cool stuff to post.

    The eBay item you sent over is interesting. I agree, it's definitely not Art Deco and the look is pretty nice, although I think there's something a little suspect about the patina of the wood and the stylization of the face carving to think that it is anything older than 20 yrs old. Nice and fun decorative piece though.

    Do you collect folk art? What kind of stuff is available in Spain?

    Take care!

