Thursday, August 9, 2007


Four saleman’s samples for early carry on luggage. Recently on eBay from Harris Diamant. Sold for $ 400.00 for all 4.

From seller's description:
It took great perseverance to assemble this set of four, rare, saleman’s demonstrators for early carry on luggage. I purchased them as an assembled collection and decided to sell them that way. The bodies of these cases are made of plywood. These colorful cases preceded the plastic sort of Samsonite luggage we frequently see today. I estimate that they were made shortly after World War 2. Each is 10 ½ inches tall. They taper toward the top, so the bottoms are 7 inches by 15 inches, the tops are 5 ½ inches by 15 inches. One seems to be of somewhat earlier manufacture than the others in that the “new alligator finish” has not arrived yet.. The colors, which are quite strong, are on a plastic material the likes of Naugahide or leatherette. The graphic of the four cases together is quite striking. The plywood has a mellow, golden patina. The overall condition is quite good. Note that the latch covers on two cases are missing. This does not hamper the function of the latches. They work just fine. Note too that the gold leaf lettering “Samsonite Demonstrator Case” is absent from the back of one case.


  1. Ooh! What's his eBay handle? I'd love to track his auctions!

  2. His handle is: soothsayer212

    He doesn't do a lot of auctions, but when he does, they're always interesting!
