Thursday, August 2, 2007

Christ's Entry Into Pennsylvania?

Sorry for the long break! I took a week off to travel the West (Zion and Bryce National Parks, which were simply awesome) and I just changed jobs, so my life has been a little hectic of late. But happily I came back to the following...

Folk Art dealer Jim Linderman has this great original photograph of a reunion of GOONS up on eBay right now. Class of 1911 from Sacony Valley Pennsylvania. Reminds me of the great Ensor painting, probably the single best painting in Los Angeles (at The Getty).


  1. I love, love, love Jim's stuff and even bought a piece from him awhile back before (as it seems now) every freaking folk art person discovered his stuff on eBay. Plus, what's up with the early bidding? Must be eBay neophytes, because I thought everybody knew not to bid yourself up early.

  2. Lol, yeah, I know I usually don't bid until the last minute if I can help it. What do you think of the primitive baptism painting that he currently has up? Pretty sweet, huh? Love it.

  3. holy crap i wish i had the dough to buy that photo!!!!!!!!!!!!! amazing. and yes, the ensor is the best painting in LA (along with the getty's e. munch!).

  4. Yeah, me too! BTW: Does anyone know the history of the GOONS? I can't really find any info. on that organization...
